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Crystalchild said:
superwrxsti said:
So, I decided that it may be the game disc that I got, and traded it for a brand new copy today. I was able to play the game for about 50 minutes before it froze... It's still freezing though. No one else has had, or is having freezing issues with this game at all?? I got Lymle, and have been traveling the frozen areas and the tower that you learn healing from, but the game freezes whenever I try to advance.. Always at the very beginning of a battle. It's frozen randomly two other times, but every other of the at least 30 times since, it's been the start of the battle


nope, nothing. SO did run incredibely smooth.

i 2nd this, im about 15 hours in, i've noticed a fair share of graphical and distance issues, but Speed is actually extremely smooth an' balanced, even more so then Till the end of time.

It even loads menu's faster then SO2 on PSP and the 360 version, which is alot slower.