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Hisiru said:

And I said that that's exactly what people said about Halo 3 and Gears 2.

Face it, Microsoft realized that they need more exclusives for the x360. Microsoft is supporting Remedy and they are also going to publish the game, you won't see it on PC just like Gears 2, Halo 3, Forza 3 and Fable 2/3.

And no, it's not bloody obvious that you think it will push 360 sales. You actually said "PC owners wont buy a console just to play one game", and I disagree with you. Some of those PC owners are waiting for this game for years. PC owners had games like Halo 1 & 2 and Gears 1, but Halo 3 and Gears 2 are on the x360 and Alan Wake is just another reason to buy a x360.

Yep it does seem like since Halo 3, Microsoft Game Studios stopped publishing 360 games on the PC. Unlike Microsoft, most first-party and second-party Sony developers don't have the PC gaming background that Microsoft's first and second-party developers do. Aside from Quantam (whom have that PC gaming background and Heavy Rain started out as a PC game), they are mainly console game developers. That's why the "console exclusive" is a pretty rare thing for a Playstation title unless it's an MMO or something.

But with the Xbox 360, the game development background and culture is different. The Xbox 360 attracts a lot of historically renowned PC game developers (Valve, Bioware, you name it), including on the first and second-party front. Bungie are known for being Mac and PC game developers. Epic are known for PC games. Remedy PC games. Lionhead PC Games. Molyneaux in particular is seen as a legend in PC gaming circles for his many past works (though also a controversial figure for over-hyping games like Black and White and Fable).

I'm quite positive Alan Wake won't be ported to PC. Microsoft Game Studios are not going to go back on their recent "publish PC games for the Xbox 360 exclusively" policy. Because it works so well. The more franchises exclusive to the Xbox 360, the more reasons gamers have to buy an Xbox 360. Alan Wake will be another reason.