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Netyaroze said:

Ramify said:
I have :D loved it. Did u get to try and touch her in the first scene? :P



You can try to touch her or is this a joke ? I just made 4 attempts but it didnt worked what exactly do you have to do. If I go near her I can just sit on her bed thats all. Sometimes she cries or smokes. I always give her the 50 bucks.Go to her and make her talking about her son. I managed to pick up the picture of her son and she talked about him but thats all. If you are rude she kicks you out. You can help her or not.



Sometimes when you give her the photo of her son, she begins to cry, you can try to comfort her and clap her on the shoulder. But as i tried she kicked me out.

Favourite Games:

PS: Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasy VII. PS2: Resident Evil 4, Shadow Hearts Covenant, Final Fantasy X, Silent Hill 4, Soul Calibur III. PS3: Metal Gear Solid 4, Heavy Rain, Valkyria Chronicles, Uncharted 2, Mototstorm PR, God of War III, Modern Warfare 2. Xbox: Suteki, Fatal Frame II DC, Jade Empire. 360: Dead Rising, Lost Odyssey, Dead or Alive 4.