MS only LENT the money to rockstar, as soon as Rockstar paid of it is free, reason why the exclusivity is now over.
Metal gear rising is a spin-of, will not be a big of deal, by the time it launches no one will care and Sony is right not to care. Hell, if you going to be excited be excited about Castlevania that is coming to ps3/360 by the hands of master Kojima, there is a multiplat to watch out.
Final Fantasy will be a disaster on the 360, I think Sony could care less since it secured exclusivity where was most important, japan. Most USA/europe fans of FF had already bought a ps3 in anticipation and most MS (halo/gears) fans could care less for another FF. The cost FF13 will be for Microsoft will be far more than any good it can do, SE really did only because MS made worth they while.
I say, screw 3rd parties, they will never leave the ps3 because costs for games are to high to produce for any potential market that is less than 60million. Keep games like heavy rain, last guardian, GOW3, GT5 coming cause that is what add value for the Sony brand.
Unless Rockstar really impress with Agent...