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Try to keep it applicable to titles only released in the calendar year 2007! Feel free to add categories!

Here is mine!


Ratchet & Clank.

Now that is one beautiful game, and restores my faith in platforming as a genre. Warhawk a close 2nd



The atmosphere alone is reason enough to play this game. Better then Halo3. Much better IMO

Pac-Man CE

Yeah, I know... I'll be alone in this category, but this title is worth every little penny and is the first worthy Pac sequel since Ms.Pac-Man. A great game, and its hard to stop playing.


Super Mario Galaxy

I didn't want to pick it because everyone else will, but I cannot find a reason to go with any other game that I enjoyed. It is better then Mario 64, barnone. Metroid Prime 3 is a close second, but this was special. This felt like Mario 3, and it desrves the praise.


XBOX360 - Halo 3... yeah its great, but it could never live up to the hype.

PS3 - Madden 08 - What the hell? I blame EA for this, no one else

Wii - Super Paper Mario - I own it, and its fun, but don't be fooled.  this is a "good" Gamecube game. Also, the Wii Zapper... It could have been awesome.

Feel free to add genres, notes, etc!

Good topic for Year's end!

Predictions For Last Full Week of Sales in 2010)

WII - 80.35 Million

360 - 43.88 Million

PS3 - 41.40 Million

More terrible predictions coming Jan. 2011!!!