bugrimmar said: For the life of me, I cant tell how this is different from other games? Let's use Little Big Planet for example. If you were to die several times in a row at one checkpoint and use up all of your lives at this checkpoint (Repetition) you would start the stage over from the start? (Repetition).
isn't variety supposed to be far better than repetition? where's the fun in doing the same thing over and over again? When you beat a level, you do something differet? This is a dynamic that exists in almost every game out there. Beat Stage One, Play Stage Two. You couldn't play Metroid and jump to the end boss could you?
and don't say "you suck at the game". that's not the point. everyone dies in the game. even the best bloody player (i looked at the pantheon and looked at the best players there, most of them have died over 100 times) dies a whole lot of times. so in the end, it's not a game of skill to avoid death because death will come no matter what you do. it's a game of patience where you have to fight the urge to stop playing. it's just a grind, plain and simple, with no variety.
It's just like ANY RPG. You cannot play for a marginal amount of time and expect to fall in love with it. It will get better with each and every level, especially as your character grows and you start to feel a sense of power. I mean you played the first boss who can be reached in about 10 minutes by an experienced player. An easy, plain boss at that. Keep playing and I promise you will atleast get some satisfaction out of the game.