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sorry dude but if you think that the reach engine isn't one of the most technically impressive engines out there....well then you don't really no your stuff. Too many people when they think graphics or engines only think about how "shiny and pretty it is". In terms of power and processing the Reach engines is lightyears ahead of Heavy Rains and Alan Wakes. Sorry thats not even debatable. In terms of just prettyness sure Heavy Rain and others games are gorgeous but their engines would NEVER be able to render what Reachs does.

Heavy Rain is a VERY confined game in terms of assets on screen and active AI. Showing a single room with perhaps 3 people in it all while playing out in pretty much predetermined fashion by a set group of choices is hardly impressive in terms of processing power. Is Heavy Rain gorgous? Hell yes one of the best looking games out there. Notice how I said looking though and not one of the most impressive engines.

Reach has HUGE environments, up to 20 vehicles, 30, enemies, 6 allies, thousands of reacting particles, 200 independant light sources, all while maintaning these while in split screen. Sorry at this point its not even debatable that the Reach engine is top 5 in the industry. Is it the "prettiest" perhaps not but that doesn't mean the engine as a whole is FAR more advanced than almost anything else out there. Fact.