Sony, overall would have been worse off, probably by 3-5 years after the PS3 if we didnt have blu-ray b/c that is the time that successful projects take to pay off, in this case the blu-ray effort.
-Sony will get royalties from BD when the 720 comes out if it will use Blu-ray
-Sony will get royalties from the wiiHD if it uses Blu-ray
-Sony will benefit from the influx of new tv technologies like OLED, once they come in.
-Blu-ray will enable Sony's 3-d effort to be successful, b/c you will need a lot more storage for that kind of graphics
-Sony's movie business will sell more because it has BD, the margins on these higher end products are a lot higher, so everybody likes selling them from retailers to studios
-Sony will sell more HDTVs because it has prompted a higher standard for movie and videogame graphics
Any questions?