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Sony better sort out the shortage or they'll have missed out on a quite a few sales.. I think they may be stockpiling for FFXIII and GoWIII because I don't understand how there could be any shortages when there is about a 3 million console discrepancy between shipped figures and VGC's sold figures. It doesn't make much sense to me.

Nintendo still smooth sailing, DS will slow down this year although Miyamoto has said that he's working on two DS projects so depending on the strength of that software, it may not be down YoY as much as it's looking like it will be. Wii selling well but will need good software in the next few moths if it's going to gain momentum off the back of a strong finish to 2009. The Vitality Sensor will be a console seller during the holidays as will Zelda Wii.

Microsoft have a steady stream of AAA titles coming but for the most part, they're sequels so they won't push large amounts of systems but they will keep the console moving at a brisk pace until the launch of Natal where they may be able to boost sales considerably. People saying that the 360 will beat the PS3 by a large margin in Q4 seem to forget that Arc will also be a player for the holidays and that Sony are capable of having as good a line up as Microsoft for the holidays.