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ps3 and 360 are pretty much selling the same in NA week over week but worldwide ps3 is still selling more week over week for the past 5 or 6 months.

ps3 has an amazing line up this year and so does microsoft , so do yourself a favor buy the other console you dont own.

but just for the insecure ps3 owners sony has already released MAG, white knight and a heavy rain (later) this month and what has microsoft realeased ... just ME2 , i own them all and i can tell you that you will get more hours out of MAG and white knight then you will ME2 , plus the heavy rain demo i have played about 5 times already.

i am going to buy alan wake for sure and maybe halo reach (depending on many many reviews) but as far as anything else im not sure what the 360 has, splinter cell looks good but i havent touched that series in ages .. but for ps3 i already have god of war 3 ordered and heavy rain plus final fantasy 13 on ps3 .. the last guardian .. final fantasy not sure if those will be out this year but ps3 realistically does have the stronger lineup in diversity and quantity.

in the end buy both systems im sure you can find one used somewhere for like 150 bucks i bought my 360 for 300 and i barely use it lol im sure other people are vise versa