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well many review sights site 7 as being a "good" score and then 8 9 10 as superlatives to that so basically 7 is the basic GOOD score then its very good very very good and very very very good XD

for example gamespot

and gamesradar who i appreciate dont attribute 10 to perfect

so i dont understand why people view 7 as "average or mediocre" cause obviously review sights view a 7 as good

personlly if i had interest in a game and it gets 7s its good enough to warrent a purchase

but i actualy had interest in damnation but that game got 4s and such telling me the game was an injured beast and didnt deliver on expectations however if that game had gotten 7s i would of probly gave it a buy

so in closing NOTHING is wrong with seven it is a GOOD score