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as much as i want to see Zelda i would rather they keep it until E3.... OMG what am I saying! i want to see Zelda but at the same time i am too excited to see it... I am not ready yet :P

i want Pikmin but i am not expecting it. don't care for kirby but i hope they show it for those who like it.

how could the last E3 be beaten easily i don't get.. i mean they had two Morio platformers and Metroid other M.

to beat that they will have to show Zelda at least!

my predictions though is that they will show us the now DS and games for it i don't know if the now pokemon game is for the currant DS as i have not been paying much attention to it. but the game could be for the new DS as it would be a great start for the new system.

and yeah come vitality censor games.

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(