I think the strategy MS went for was really necessary, they really needed to do something to compete with very well established gaming companies. I think they just did what they needed to do & I think they did a great job of it! Look at them now, they are almost 35million strong with the most recognised and well established online gaming platform, which they pretty much were the first to start and had the already established companies to follow (followed quit late I must say). However many exclusives they buy or time exclusives they get, they are only trying to grow stronger as a gaming platform. I mean it works...I hate to play a game thats been out for a while on another console first. Unreal Tournament for example, timed exclusive on the PS3, when it came out on the xbox 360 (even with some upgrades), I didn't bother playing it. Its just one of those things I guess.
The bottom line is, I think a strategy is a strategy, it doesn't hurt anybody in a major way. At the end of the day, its all about competition, and the more the better, as it always benefits us as consumers!