c0rd said:
When you say overpriced, what do you mean? Relative to the competition? Apple is not just selling computer parts, they're giving you an overall package. You're essentially paying for their ideas, which is not unlike how Nintendo runs their business. How ridiculous would it be if we compared the budgets of Nintendo games, and the budgets of GTA and Call of Duty, and tell the Wii/DS majority that they're getting ripped off? Now, I understand that in the case of these Apple products, it's not exactly the same, but the user experience does matter (where Apple puts a lot of focus into). People aren't just mindless sheep that buy things because they see an Apple logo on it, |
I stopped reading right there. Because that is EXACTLY what most Apple customers are. They buy up all the highly exaggerated and misrepresented advertising as fact, and they actually believe that the Apple products with their OS make them somehow better at designing things. I don't know how many times people with Art interests buy Macs simply because they are mindless sheep that think Macs are the better device for Art. Too bad most professionals even using Macs still use the standard Adobe Suite that runs on PC as well... You could buy a PC with twice the power for the same price as the Mac and really be churning out that Artsy stuff, but these people are clueless and buy into anything Apple says on TV.