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Oh wow I feel kinda cheap posting this one, because indeed I had to look it up fully to make sure I had the quote right (been awhile since I played it) but definitely one of my favorite quotes of the game. Unfortunately, you had to seriously play this game to even know what I'm talking about. If ya can't guess it, I completely understand as I wouldn't have been able to recognize it off the top either without looking up the extent of the quote. I only remembered the last line, but awesome in its entirety. I'm actually curious i the character was quoting someone else but still great. But yea if no one can guess it, I'll tell you the first name of the character that said it to make it easier.

"I am the scourge of God, appointed to chastise you, since no one knows the remedy for your iniquity except me. You are wicked, but I am more wicked than you. "