Seece said: Burnout! |
OH no haha. Burnout Revenge was a tragedy haha. Burnout 1 actually wan't even that great of a game. Kinda new, but it wasn't til Point of Impact that it was a real solid release. Then Burnout 3 made it legendary in the racing genre. Revenge, well took all that away, while Paradise retunred to form whil.e also forgetting its roots and open world concept I didn't like. So no, I wouldn't say a 3 out of 5 flies haha.
Now I obviously agree with Legend of Zelda, Mario platformers, Pokemon, Halo, Metal Gear Solid, etc. I'd also throw in there Grand Theft Auto, Elder Scrolls, and a few others I can't think of at the time. Man if it hadn't have been for RE5 (and simply just not tossing in Code Veronica because not having a number behind it), Resident Evil would have easily been in there. Curses Capcom haha.