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So... I have to post here.

I am not an active VGChartz poster, but I constantly show up to check on sales. But, when browsing the board I most actively participate in, the Metroid Database (or MDb for short), which I am top poster at, this called my attention.

Seriously, don't believe Sean Malstrom. If you just read his blog post (found here), you'll see he doesn't really know his Metroid stuff.



"And then I thought, “Whoever made this game screwed up. Metroids do not grow ‘big’. They ‘evolve’ like they did on SR-388 in Metroid II.” Since Sakamoto wasn’t part of Metroid II, I thought Super Metroid was having a ret-con but then the Omega Metroid shows up at the end of Metroid Fusion.

Super Metroid shows how poor a story teller Sakamoto is, not the opposite. Already in Super Metroid, there were contradictions which was hard to make due to how limited the story is."

Anyone who has played the games and understood them know that the Metroid in Super Metroid is big instead of Omega because the conditions and evolution process were different. They 'evolve' in SR-388 (it happened in Fusion because the BSL was made to replicate the SR-388 environment), but not in Zebes.


I don't really believe there's a possibilty of Other M turning out bad. Metroid never got a bad game (yes, I do remember Hunters; it wasn't as good as other Metroids, but still good enough), so I doubt it would happen now.


And how the devil are you gonna say you love or hate an entire game based on a two-minute trailer? Seriously, tell me.


I'll be checking this thread from time to time, but anyone who's in the mood to discuss this, join us at ! We might get nerdy at times, but, as long as you're not completely retarded, a spammer or a troll, you'll be fine.