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TWRoO said:

The large bag doesn't appear because of the turtle as I found the turtle ages ago (I think many of the legendaries are time of day/moon phase specific... so as long as it is the right time and day of the month, they are triggered when you swim to the right area) I think it might depend either on something in the story line (if you had completed the main story before you called Nancy then it's probably that... because that's when I got it.... but it had been a while since i'd called her so could have been earlier story parts that triggered it) or I think it could have been increasing the salvaging level.

And I completed that guide quest... I thought it was pretty easy really, I think I was hit about 4 times (once each by the smaller sharks and twice by Thanatos)

One thing I am a bit dissapointed in is the non-bottomed out areas, like the two polar regions and much of the North and East of the Red Sea, and the South West corner of Gantama bay (is that the right place name for the first area?).... they only let you dive down so far before saying "too dangerous to go deeper" I hope there is a way to get past those barriers, though I don't hold much hope. Then again I hadn't been holding much hope for a way to choose the Hayley Westenra track to play.... but now I have the jukebox

Hmm.. that's weird. I haven't completed the game yet, I'm about to go to that Red Sea deep thing. But right after I finished the story bit in that river temple, when back on Nineball Island, I called Nancy and she had nothing new. Then the only thing I did was the whole totempole-dog-telescope thing to find that big turtle, after which I returned to Nineball. Then I called Nancy again, 'cos I also salvaged some stuff while diving for the turtle, and checked out the things for sale again... that's when those upgrades were there, including the large bag. Didn't complete anything new besides that, so... I dunno, something triggered those upgrades, could've been the salvage level upgrade you mentioned, though I'm not sure mine increased at the time. Ah well.

As for the Thanatos quest, nice. I dunno, maybe I was doing something wrong, or it was a bug in the game or what, I have no idea. But I was at it for like 10 minutes at the least, and must've got hit about 6 or 7 times. The shark never actually hit the woman, I made sure of that, but she never managed to get the darn hatch open. I'll try again soon though.

Yeah I found those bottomless areas a bit starnge too... that was the 1st thing I tried when I got to those areas, to dive deeper, but the game doesn't let you. Too bad, really, would've been sweet. I don't think there's a way around it. Oh and I didn't know there was a jukebox in the game, that's cool.

Bytheway, do you know if ill fishes you cure get sick again when you leave an area? 'Cos in that river temple, I cured 100+ fishes (god I swear, almost every single one there was ill), but when I got back there the next time, there was a giant cloud of multicoloured targets swimming round in there again. That was at a different time time of day though, so I dunno if they were actually the same fish or different ones. Haven't been curing a lot besides that one time.

Also... what effect does raising your salvage level have? Mine is 7 or 8 now I think, but I haven't really noticed much difference, tbh.


Gantama Bay? Lol, it's Gatama Atoll, I believe. This thread's starting to get boring for people who haven't got the game yet, by the way.

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