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Cheebee said:

Ah okay thanks... Yeah I've been there, remember it now, must've not checked that door though 'cos I don't remember the message... Hm well, that's just weird then. Maybe some future upgrade is needed.

And oh, 15? How? I can only carry 10 items as far as I know... You let a partner carry some stuff or something?

*Edit* Nevermind, I already found out, it's that GG.

*Edit 2* Well whaddaya know, I actually just bought the large bag from Nancy. It came up for sale, along with 3rd upgrades for the rest of the equipment, after I found coco-something (dunno, forgot its name, it's apparently the largest sea turtle in the world) in Gatama Atoll.

Also, I found out you simply have to check the guitar to make that quest with the woman and the shark re-appear. But I haven't yet tried it again.

The large bag doesn't appear because of the turtle as I found the turtle ages ago (I think many of the legendaries are time of day/moon phase specific... so as long as it is the right time and day of the month, they are triggered when you swim to the right area) I think it might depend either on something in the story line (if you had completed the main story before you called Nancy then it's probably that... because that's when I got it.... but it had been a while since i'd called her so could have been earlier story parts that triggered it) or I think it could have been increasing the salvaging level.

And I completed that guide quest... I thought it was pretty easy really, I think I was hit about 4 times (once each by the smaller sharks and twice by Thanatos)

One thing I am a bit dissapointed in is the non-bottomed out areas, like the two polar regions and much of the North and East of the Red Sea, and the South West corner of Gantama bay (is that the right place name for the first area?).... they only let you dive down so far before saying "too dangerous to go deeper" I hope there is a way to get past those barriers, though I don't hold much hope. Then again I hadn't been holding much hope for a way to choose the Hayley Westenra track to play.... but now I have the jukebox