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@Mendicate Bias

I never said Halo was a bad game and I never said Halo wasn't popular, even on the PC (as the PC version came out years after the Halo hype train had left the station). My only statement is that Halo wasn't as "revolutionary" as people think.

It added 4 player co-op (that's cool if it is true) to FPSs, the ability to play 4 player split screen and online on the same machine(good to have both things together) and some gameplay elements that people like and other people (like me) dislike.

My previous statement of being "awesome" on the X-Box to most people while being "meh" to most PC users was a little over the top, I agree and is completely 100% based on a small sample size of me and all of my PC gaming friends. Sure it was better than the Duke Nukems and Rise of the Triads out there, but I would say there were plenty of FPSs better than it (which, if you note in your defense that Halo made the top 20 PC games of all time, there were 3 other FPSs immediately higher than Halo in that list).

So, to reiterate, my point is, the only thing Halo really revolutionized for FPSs is that it was popular (mainly because it was on the xbox). If it had been PC only we wouldn't be having the conversation IMO.

I commend Halo for being a good FPS on a console and helping make FPSs the current "kings" of software but it is by no means "revolutionary" to me.