thanks very much for the help dudes.
@star ocean: i LOVED the PS2 star ocean, and im looking forward to the PS3 version - yes, maybe it sucks, but im a fan of cross edge, so i can have much fun with shit ^^..
i'll try to fix it, maybe with the laser method for 69,99, but then i'll sell it on ebay.
i went to my bank some minutes ago, and i increased my dispo (the minus i can have on my account).
and because im 'zivildienstleistender' (i have NO idea how i could call it in english, but every male has to go to the army, for 9 Months.. and if you dont want to, you have to do social work), i dont pay very much - 3 cents per day, and because my depts will only last 1 Months, i will have to pay additional 50 cents~ in total. :3