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MontanaHatchet said:
So who made up Generation Y, and who made up the terrible name for that? And who decided that this generation is any more lazy and foolish than the pot-smoking, idealistic baby boomers? Seriously, what a bunch of pretentious bullshit. I was born in 1985 (so I'd be a member of this generation), and I work incredibly hard.

Frankly, there are so many better names for this generation too. For example, you could call us the Information Generation, since we grew up during the rise of the free flow of information. But no, let's just be lazy and call it Generation Y because the last one was Generation X.

Fuck it makes me mad. Arrogant assholes. Oh, and I'd be more worried about the baby boomers. Look at how the world is shaping up under them.

Well, the theory was... Generation X was X-Treme!!!  And Generation Y is Generation Why? because we don't give a shit about anything.

All of them are ridiculous if you ask me.  Only name that made sense was the Baby Boomers.  But all the stereotypes are really stupid, in every direction.

Chairman-Mao said:
If there weren't so many social programs that make it too easy for people then we'd be harder workers.

Oh also if there weren't unions workers would work harder.

Are you kidding me?  If it weren't for unions we'd still be putting 12 year olds in factories and chaining them to the machines for 14 hour work days 6 days a week.  The first unions were hereoes who fought for worker's rights... TO THE DEATH.  Factory owners shot them all the time.  If you're working less than 80 hours a week, you have unions to thank.

oldschoolfool said:
I work in a thankless,pointless dead end job. So yeah I work,I just don't like it.

Ditto.  For a while I had 2 thankless, pointless dead end jobs.  For a while I had 3.  For a while I had 2 at once while I was in school.  I have never had a job with any room to grow, and I have never had a job that couldn't be replaced at any time.  Not complaining though.  Just keep looking for more work and/or better work.  Don't see the point of this stupid arrogant offensive thread.