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Tanstalas said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Vonmercury said:
we need to start a VGC guild for online questing. Thats all im going to be doing in the game from now on, already passed the story twice. All second playthrough yeilds is a few rare sets of armor and weapons but well worth it if your going to play online.

There is one, however its not very active, i've played with only a handful of people from round' here, its mainly been with my pals in real life thus far.

And whats this about a 2nd playthrough and armor?

Add me, I'll be down for some online stuff, I already added Von, but I think he must play different times than I as I never see him :)


However, I don't know how much I'll be playing lately, got Bioshock 2, and that game is going to be to me like crack is to Tyrone.
(I have probably 70 games between all 5 of the systems - beat maybe 15 and one of those was the original Bioshock :) )

Same here, i'll still play WKC, however jus got Bioshock 2, and i still have to do stuff in Bioshock 1, AND SO4 is coming in a few days... thats 4 games that needs playin... not countin' SO2 for PSP aswell...

So PSN = Xacristavas, however i didn't beat the story yet so ... >_>