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Amen brother (except for the last HL specific bit). Halo did very little to the genre outside of grenades (meh), regenerating shields without any sort of upgrade (that absolutely ruined it for me) and being on a console and having online play (as golden eye did the 4 player split screen way before and many PC FPSs starting way back with Doom had online play).

So, I'll give it to Halo that it introduced an FPS that can be played by 4 people in the same room or online, but that, to me, isn't that big of a feat.

It's a good console FPS and consoles lacked FPSs at the time, but if your game goes from awesome to "meh" because it changes platforms (and the platforms don't change anything too drastically like controls or other gameplay), then that says a lot about the game's quality.