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Mazty said:
ssj12 said:

Halo is far from influential. Frankly your confused on which game is generic.

Also Valve's physics engine inspired Havok. Not the other way around.

Just because you have no idea the angle the Half-Life franchise was going with narrative and plot, you should not insult art.

You can lean... you just obviously have no idea how to do it. (should br the q+e keys unless you stupidly changed them)

And comparing Half-Life to Twilight has to be a sin.


OT: I agree with this list. Battlefield 1942 influence the vehicle based combat in multiplayer games combining excellent gameplaying and vehicle combat.

Half-Life 2 is godlike. There is no better FPS.


Clearly you have no idea about FPS' before Halo:CE.

It was the one to bring regenerating health, a two weapon balanced system (Rocket launcher with very limited ammo), melee attack and quick use grenades. Almost every game since then has copied this forumla. What did HL2 bring to FPS?

How about you defend the 'art' instead of saying I'm ignorant to it? Don't try that cop-out. Explain why it is art.

No you can't lean. Well done on that stupid mistake.

Please explain why HL2 is so good, unless you are one of those mindless drones whose entire reasoning comes down to "Cuz it iz".

Thank You for posting that, some people seriously don't remember what fps were like before Halo.

And to add to that list Halo introduced matchmaking, 4 player co-op for fps, theater which games like Uncharted 2 are just starting to use, campaign modifiers (skulls) and a few other minor but none the less unique features.

Every single one of the above feature in both my post and Mazty's has greatly influenced the shooter market over the last decade. People like to jump on the bandwagon and call Halo a generic shooter but thats because they don't realize that half the features they see in fps today came from Halo.


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