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Carl2291 said:
selnor said:
I can see now why so many people have a problem with

1. These types of lists and

2. IGN.

Firstly. What the hell. Games which revolutionized their genres or best sellers not even appearing.
Halo 1?????
Reinvented console FPS.

No Gears 1? Revolutionized TPS mechanics.

No WOW reinvented MMO's.

The games that are there are in no way representative of the best of the last 10 years. Cmon people 10 years?!

Half Life 2 wasnt amazing it was good. A technical demo of the gravity at the time. Not amazing. To many unecessary bits. KOTOR? Really. ME1 a much better gam than KOTOR.

Look at IGN's best of each year over the 2000-2009 period. Now this list if genuine should contain there number 1's from each year. But it doesnt.

Poor poor lists. Dreadful in many cases.

Red - You think Halo deserves a place on the list, but go on to say Half Life 2 was a tech demo and wasn't amazing. I think you have a terrible, terrible taste in FPS. Half Life 2 also has sold more than Halo 1 (You talked about sales here). And the list is about quality, not how revolutionary the game was, otherwise Wii Sports would be on top.

Green - Wrong. For example, if game number 2 in 2003 is better than game number 1 in 2004... Game number 2 from 2003 will be hugher on the list.

Can't complain here, list is filled with excellent games. Although i do think Resident Evil 4 deserves a spot here.

I didnt refer to Halo ouselling HL2. Just some other greatly recieved games not on their. And yeah I thought HL2 was pretty generic imo. But hey it's all opinion anyway. :)