MontanaHatchet said:
I could make the same case for Navi in Zelda being annoying, and I could probably form complaints about flow if I didn't like it and wanted to complain about it. The game has amazing amounts of polish, by the way. I haven't played the Wii version much, so I can't offer a lot of insight on that one, but you're looking at one of the most polished games ever made. |
I'll admit, I'm also no fan of Navi. "Lishen!" got incredibly grating, but no, even that doesn't compare to Issun NEVER shutting up and ruining nearly every dungeon puzzle. Seriously, it's more an issue of editing than anything (which was really the chief problem with Okami's dialog throughout), sometimes less is more. Truth be told, "editing" really gets to the core of what Okami would need generally to make it a better game. It's too padded.
As for flow, OOT probably does it better than any similar game still. It definitely has it's rough edges (Water Temple, ugh!) but overall it's a lot smoother, more open and less formulaic than Okami (as well as basically all the Zeldas that followed it, bar maybe MM, which is much more open but probably not smoother).