jarrod said:
Really, had they toned down Issun and edited the game down to flow better, I think it'd improve dramatically. It just needed a bit more polishing. The Wii port was also pretty unoptimized, and could have definitely been better. I wasn't a fan of the new supersaturated colors or reduced paper filter, the PS2 version really does look a lot better imo. The weird weapon timing in the Wii version sucks too, I wish we'd have gotten the controls from the JP version instead (A button attack, wiitmore dodge). |
I could make the same case for Navi in Zelda being annoying, and I could probably form complaints about flow if I didn't like it and wanted to complain about it. The game has amazing amounts of polish, by the way. I haven't played the Wii version much, so I can't offer a lot of insight on that one, but you're looking at one of the most polished games ever made.