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I dont make up random numbers, i count them.

and i dont even know wtf your talking about, this "exchange" with you an' Boutros, im certain he would have taken care of it when you brought it to his attention since i trust him alot when it comes to these kinda things.

Your, jus' cherry-picking.

An' my reasons were not "random" for disregarding certain votes, and again i didn't respond because i wasn't around when you guys were talking about this.

I don't update the OP because i have other things to do, im not here 24/7, which is why i trust Boutros again to make the regular updates for them to check on.

At anyrate, i have no problem you stop voting, however dont blame your reasons for not voting anymore on me or anyone else here, since its your own fault for rebelling against that simple and easy-to-understand rule.