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EncodedNybble said:
LOL at saying uncharted owes a lot to RE4.

With the exception of "they are both TPS" I beg to differ.

Sure there are treasures too, but used in totally different manners.

There's very limited inventory management in the uncharted series along with regeneration health, cover mechanics, actual platforming perodically.

I would argue it owes a lot more in essence and in style to Tomb Raider than RE4.

Well you are straw manning what I'm saying.  I'm not stating that Naughty Dog just took RE4, copy and pasted it with new names and created Uncharted.  I mean the beauty of having influences is you don't copy and paste, just gets the idea flowing.  I mean as I showed with Gears of War, Cliffy B was inspired by the game on how it played and how it progressed.  Helped him make Gears of War the way he did.

It's obivous Uncharted has many influences as well, including the likes of Tomb Raider.  But it's not just the over the shoulder idea, but really the progression of the game and how a game plays out.  The whole idea of a cinematic action game.  I think if you were to ask Naughty Dog, they'd probably tell ya the same thing.  Just like Cliffy B did.  It's not taking away from Uncharted, just being respectful which I know the guys behind Naughty Dog would be.