dahuman said:
All current features will still be free on PSN, I've used XBL before, it's nothing special at all especially considering that I'm mainly a PC gamer. I don't use netflix, and I sure as hell don't use last.fm when I can have shoutcast at any time on my computer or on my iphone dock. Why do you pay for XBL if not for playing video games online? can't be for general use since the thing doesn't even have a web browser right? it doesn't even cost anything to get access to netflix on the PC, the PS3 or soon the Nintendo Wii, you just pay the monthly netflix fee, how the fuck do you justify paying for ads and services that cost nothing on other platforms? the experience? mii rip off? 5 dollar light sabers? windows media center layout that's worked like garbage since day 1? microsoft points bull shit on the market place? sounds like crack coaine to me. |
Geez...I'd hate to lable you a fan boy but if the shoe fits....
I don't feel like arguing with ya....oh almost forgot...you WILL be one of the 1st ones paying for sonys new sub service.