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Ah okay thanks... Yeah I've been there, remember it now, must've not checked that door though 'cos I don't remember the message... Hm well, that's just weird then. Maybe some future upgrade is needed.

And oh, 15? How? I can only carry 10 items as far as I know... You let a partner carry some stuff or something?

*Edit* Nevermind, I already found out, it's that GG.

*Edit 2* Well whaddaya know, I actually just bought the large bag from Nancy. It came up for sale, along with 3rd upgrades for the rest of the equipment, after I found coco-something (dunno, forgot its name, it's apparently the largest sea turtle in the world) in Gatama Atoll.

Also, I found out you simply have to check the guitar to make that quest with the woman and the shark re-appear. But I haven't yet tried it again.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046