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TWRoO said:

This page is looking very German.

Oh, and I used the original dolphin for the little cave at blue cliff.
I haven't tried the new dolphin on the broken door in Valka Castle though (Northernmost part, the original dolphin didn't work) I am sceptical as the script mentions something small needing to go through to open the door, and the new dolphin doesn't look smaller than the old one.

Lol, now that you mention it, it does..

Oh you did? I figured that'd be an option too, seeing how both dolphins are about the same size. Would be weird if one was much stronger.
As for that door... I can't really remember that one. Is it at the end of that long hallway with the windows? Or in that Mermaid's Ballroom with the throne? Can't say I remember that script about needing something small to go through either. Maybe I haven't checked it yet.

Do you happen to know when you get a 2nd salvage bag-upgrade? I've been finding big items all over, but can't take them 'cos I only have the 1st upgrade (medium bag).

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