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TWRoO said:
Cheebee said:

Ah nice. I'll add my code next time I play the game, if I remember to check what my code is.
Too bad I didn't check this thread yet today, I actually just finished playing the game a few minutes ago.

It's so great I can't get enough.
I'm supposed to go to some iceberg now I believe, but I'm not going there just yet... there's far too much to do in the other areas I've visited so far, I love it. I've been discovering new areas and salvaging treasure (and junk ) continuously, as well as a ton of other things. It's amazing how much they crammed into the game and into each area.
I got some things I want to find out, but in case I'd spoil anything for anyone, I'll hide the following...

- I just got the dog, Too bad you can't name it. Does anyone know if it actually does something? Besides letting you pet it and doing a Kate Winslet-thing when on the boat? Hasn't done much yet for me no. That's what I thought... ah well.

- Also, I don't suppose it's possible, but is there a way to keep the map on-screen when swimming without it blocking your view and not letting you do stuff like use the pulsar? Like a mini-map in the corner or something...? Sorry no. Too bad, but not terrible.

- Does anyone know if that giant man-eating great white shark (forgot its name) in the Aegean sea-area ever comes back? The one that attacks you in those village ruins when you have to hide in the well. 'Cos I haven't seen it since, but when I go there the music's still really kinda creepy and manacing and I keep expecting to get attacked half the time.  

*Edit* Alright I just found out it actually comes back on a specific guided tour... I had to distract the beast to keep it from attacking some woman I was guiding, while she tried to open a hatch into a sunken ship. However the shark kept attacking and she took so insanely long that I ran out of air and had to quit. Dumb woman. Cool, I didn't know about that... I guess that's the tour that Oceane asks about when you try playing the guitar? cos I h the client enters)aven't done that one yet., however I founf the big shark anyway... it appears in the 1-2 squares around that ship int the south East (presumably the one  Yeah that's the one, the woman will ask about the guitar, it was her father's and came from his ship, which is the Emerald Lady. This quest was really hard, dunno if I was doing something wrong, but you get a radio message from Oceane's grandfather saying you'll have to hide from the shark in the ship. However, its hatch is locked, and that woman will try to open it while you have to distract the shark. Swimming near it doesn't really help, the only thing that seemed to get its attention was using the pulsar. Won't stun it, but make it come for you instead of the woman. So then you try to evade it, but as soon as you get like 5m away from the woman the shark will go for her again so you have extremely limited space to move around in. And the bloody woman takes forever to open the darn hatch. So I failed. Haven't tried it again, as the option to re-select the quest hasn't come up yet... but that woman did say to try and explore inside the ship next time, so I figure it's just a matter of time before she'll be back.
On a side note, there are far too many great whites in this whole ciceran strait (or whatever it's called) area! Especially at night... if you come in range you're continually attacked, even after using the pulsar, 'cos the effect wears off soon after zapping them. I dislike great whites. XDYes they were pissing me off when  trying to save the seals in that area. The last one I couldn't find was supposedly in the south east near some emeral lady and I was trying to explore the south east with all those things attacking me. (I haven't heard about an emerald lady yet so I am going to wait till I know where to look) Yeah you were at the right spot. Southeast, dunno the exact location, but you'll see it there, it's not at the bottom iirc, but somewhere halfway up the cliff... you could easily miss it, I did at first. And that stupid seal was just playing around there in front of all those great whites. ALSO! for the aforementioned quest with the woman and the shark, you have to get to the top of the ship, near where the cabin is. Just swimming around or under the ship won't trigger the cutscene where the shark appears.

- Will it eventually get easier to swim in the artic sea? The 1st time you go there for the polar bear thing, captain grandpa supposedly gives you a drysuit (but doesn't really), and it's harder to swim and your oxygen runs out very fast... I know you can hold onto the dolphin, but that's not really a solution.

*Edit* Okay I just found out that it does... apparently, rubbing some Japanese wax on your body will allow you to dive in arctic sub-zero temperatures at depths of over 60m without any problem. Even when only wearing shorts. I love this game.

- Has anyone figured out yet how to befriend dolphins and such so they'll become your partners? So far I found a pygmy sperm whale that was trapped in Deep Hole and that one dolphin (I think) in Valka Castle, and Océane mentioned something about befriending them, but it hasn't happened yet. I've visited both several times, blew the whistle, fed them, petted them, took pics, used the marker, but no luck. Any ideas?I was confused about that myself, but I managed to befriend on in the antarctic, I cured it with the pulsar and it just  befriended me.... though I am pretty sure I pulsared the bottlenoses in the Aegean sea straight area (taking me a while to remember names) but still haven't befriended them, perhaps I did something after pulsaring the other dolphin, I can't really remember. Yeah I got that one now too, the one from inside the iceberg right? If you haven't done it yet, that one's also used to open a cave in the Atoll, blue cliff (I think it's called?) area, southwest. It's blocked off by a boulder and Oceane told me if I had that one dolphin from the arctic with me, we could open it. Dunno if the other dolphin could do it too, she specifically mentioned the one from the antarctic... It's small, and has an item buried in there (I think a treasure chest, but not sure anymore).

Also, baby penguins, -seals and -polar bears are too cute.

Oh, and if you haven't got to it yet then this is a big spoiler: the deep diving bit is awesome... I have some brilliant pictures of the fight between the squid and sperm whale, gonna upload them to my thread. No haven't been there yet, but I read about it... can't wait to go there. I'm currently supposed to go to that Amazon river, but I have stuff to do in other areas before that, haha.


Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046