theRepublic said:
Davey1983 said:
theRepublic said: Why the hell is Malstrom picking on the plot? That seems very out of character for him. The plot shouldn't matter to him as long as it is a fun, accessible game. He probably just doesn't like Metroid and is looking for an excuse to hate on it. |
For the record, he actually has stated many times that he likes Metroid, he even made a post about how people need to buy trilogy.
What Malstrom is picking on is games that put stories before anything else-- stories in videogames just slow the action down and are usually very bad (even the so-called good stories are 'meh'). He is concerned that with Other M all we are hearing about in the trailers and in interviews is about the story and exploring samus's backstory and discovering more about her motherly instincts. People don't play Metroid to learn about Samus, they play Metroid to shoot at space aliens. Why aren't we hearing about the gameplay? To this day we have yet to learn if this game is a 2D game, 3D game, or a hybrid-- whenever the question comes up the question is not answered.
I'm with Malstrom on this one-- also, those fans on that thread are very vicious. Seriously, why would someone want to punch someone in the face because he is leary about how a videogame will turn out? He said that he is hoping that he is wrong and that the game is awsome, but that he has some serious reservations about this game. Who can blame him considering that creator of Other M also created Fusion-- the game that many fans consider to be the worst Metroid game.
Then why pick on a game with virtually no story?
I have to confess I am not sure what game you are refering to here. If it is other M, then reread my post as to why he (and I) are leary of the game (it is because all they are talking about is the story: Samus and her motherly instincts, blah blah blah. Why has there been no talk of the gameplay?).
If you are talking about Fusion, then the story ruined the experience of the game. Metroid games have been about shooting aliens in an open world. Fusion was very linear (for a Metroid game) and infused a story that was not needed (seriously, who cared about Adam and his relationship to Samus in the past). The story ruined the Metroid experience.
Please don't misunderstand me, I am not saying that Fusion was a bad game (I enjoyed it), but it was a bad Metroid game (it, along with Zero Mission, are the only Metroid games I have not played through more than once). Also, I am not saying that Other M will be a bad game, I am concerned at the direction this game appears to be heading. I could be wrong about Other M, and it might turn out to be the greatest Metroid game ever-- we will not know until it releases. However, I am not optomistic.