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you should know by the way this is my only system, i am quite sure i wouldn't have totted up that much with 2 or 3 of them (or more if you include handheld...which i also don't have)

Also i don't PC game much at all....that is basically all of my gaming in the last 10 months (i did have GTA3 in my laptop for a few hours...but it kept crashing so i quit)
Twilight Princess i should stress is not all my own playtime...about 40 hours was by my flatmate last year...though i was watching for the most part. RE4 is all me, but i hadn't got it for GC before so it was totally new, also from getting RE4 to recently getting Mario Galaxy, you will see on the table i bought absolutely no new games, (well three VC games)

@bark? TP took me just under 50 hours to finish the main quest for the first playthrough, and just over 70 for first 100%..... do you not finish the games you buy? or do you finish them fast, and only once.

RE4 i loved, so i played again and again...i think i am on my 6th playthrough for normal difficulty, plus 3/4 each for easy and hard...and 3 for seperate ways
I think the first time i did it (normal diff) i took about 25 hours (last one was 2 1/2 hours i think), plus 4 hours for SW....that's 29, then there is assignment ada (maybe an hour) and the mercenaries, which if you want to complete i would think at least 5 hours if youd never done it before.... all that time already, yet you get unlockables in second playthroughs (or after mercenaries) .....are you not bothered about trying the new stuff you get?