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naznatips said:
Bodhesatva said:

But it's fair for Legend to correct the original premise of this thread. The original post didn't say: "The third parties giving the Wii solid support are benefiting at approximately the same rate as those who put their support behind the 360," but rather "third parties are doing about as well on the Wii as they are on the 360" in a more general sense. The first statement -- the one you made -- is valid, but the second isn't. That latter, more generaly statement is much closer to what the original post implied, and that just isn't fair.

Legend SHOULD have pointed out that some third parties are doing quite well on the Wii -- but then again, the original poster SHOULD have pointed out that some aren't, as well.

The original poster's intent was to show that 3rd party sales overall have not been that bad on the Wii. While it would have been better for him to break down those sales more specifically, his original point is still valid.

I'm not sure how long it would take to list all the significant 3rd parties' games and their sales over the 2 platforms but I do know it's longer than I'm willing to spend putting together a post on a gaming website. Even then that would mean dismissing smaller devs like Atlus who have made infinitely more profit on Wii than 360. Obviously 360 numbers would look better than in reality when focussing on the big devs as they're the only ones who can afford to put a decent game out on the system.

I realise you're fighting my cause here naz but I think making massive lists would only end up in numbers which would again prove that Wii aint doing as badly compared to 360 as many thought. 

Hus said:

Grow up and stop trolling.