@ lestatdark
Not really. Alot of people were fans of the FF series with one of the main reasons why being for it's exploration. FFXIII doesn't give them that until chapter 10 (and the game consist of 13 chapters as a whole). There is very little towns in FFXIII as well. Also, from what I understand, FFXIII delivers a very shounan manga-like story with very shounan manga-like characters. Those type of storylines and characters will turn off many older FF fans most of the time. Lastly, everybody hates Hope and Snow. I barely know anybody that likes them. I feel those are legit reasons to not like FFXIII if you ask me. I personally don't have a problem with any of these things though.....well.....except for Snow being really annoy by saying he is a hero all the time and always failing to be that. I also hear that Lightning always beats his ass. This is a huge disappointment for me since I was expecting Snow to be a really manly character. I never would have image that he would end up being a little boy in a grown man's body (and also Lightning's bit*h).