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Yeah us Canadians really do get hosed gaming price wise. GameStop USA has it for $20 US. But doesn't have it listed anymore. Try I remember when I bought Infinite Undiscovery and Fable II, the games were close to full price in Canada but cheaper in the US so I bought from some Americans on ebay. No import duties. And yet Canadian economic nationalists want to make us feel guilty for importing American? Hey, if Canadian-located retailers like Futureshop, Best Buy Canada, and want to be successful, they need to give us the same kind of deals the Americans get. If not, screw you guys, I'm gonna keep importing from Amerricuh! Fuck yeah!

Like I said, look around They're not selling it at sub-$20 but you can still get a better deal. Not just used but with brand new sealed copies. It's amazing how many gamers are selling brand new sealed games on ebay. That's what happens when gamers buy way too many games and don't have the time to play them. lol.

Honestly, for budget gaming, I personally prefer a rental subscription. It's not for everybody though. I don't return to my old games all that often (for the most part, just for achievements really. lol) and I prefer being able to play a lot of games to playing fewer gamers with a much heavier time investment made for each. For gamers that enjoy gunning for 1000/1000 or they like to play online a lot, renting doesn't make much sense for them but for me, I find going for 1000/1000 to be tedious for most games (defeating the purpose of playing videogames for me: to have fun) and I find that I'm not the type to want to play a game online on a regular, on going basis (like Halo 3 and Modern Warfare players do). It has it's fun and then it wears off for me after awhile. It depends on the person. Some people like to eat McDonalds every day for eg. whereas with me I'll get sick of a certain type of food if I eat the same thing for too long.