many few big hackers have tried till now cause mostly the blu-ray burners and balnk discs were costly
abd there is nothig stoping the Slim from being hacked.Sony didn't change the design,they only removed the linux support and this has nothing to do with the hack of the PS3.
the geo hotz hack was just of the memory and it needed help of an external OS.people have alreadyinstalled windows xp on the PS3 SLIM so thats not an issue or they can do a modchip thing or outsource an external os
No.They changed the design of motherboard in slim..We all know what happened when PSP got a change-designed motherboard in
late 2000s and more stable unofficial firmware could be made..(but...they might find some clues now.)
The price of Bluray writer and discs isn't the problem that make people don't want to crack PS3.
It's that we can install Linux on the fat PS3..most hackers cracking some machines not because they want to play pirated game..
but they want to write program on it. Since the fat one can install Linux and IBM has released the SDK.
(You can still get the SDK from IBM's website now...I've used it to write some programs on PS3 in school...)
They don't need to crack the fat one anymore..(some of them still crack it because they want to full-access GPU in Linux.
But Sony has fixed the bug they used in later firmware update.)
Since we can't install Linux on slim one..I think maybe these hackers will come back to focus on slim one...but I think Sony might
take off something that would be used by Linux.
And I don't know how do you get the information that you can install Windows XP on PS3 slim...
It's impossible on both the slim one and the fat one because Windows is only made for x86 architecture....
Since PS3's CPU-Cell is using PowerPC architecture for's no way to do that.
The only possible way is....using fat one...install Linux...install a virtual machine...and install Windows on that virtual machine.
That'll be work..and I've seen that before.
But the problem is.....the performance is really bad. It takes about 30 mins to startup Windows XP on that virtual machine.
With such poor performance...I don't think you can do anything...
PS3 is so hard to crack because there are many protection in its hardware. Very important units will check their signals each other.
You can just make a chip and tell it to make a fake signal. And the most important checking process is on Cell's 7th SPU.
(We all know that there are 8 SPUs in Cell.But only 6 of them can be used in game or linux..the 7th is only used for Sony's own OS.
and 8th is disabled when it leave the fab.)
When you playing a game..each process of game will be checked by those important units, and the safe code is encoded by
CRC and PGP algorithm. If you want to decode it you'll need the key..that key is quite big such as 2048 bits or something so that
you can't break it easily, and it is on the 7th SPU..I'm not sure if they'll use each unit's id to make safe code, if they will...
then since the units of each PS3 can't have the same id....You'll never get the code that can be worked on every PS3....
And by the rumor....the Cell processor might be "programmable"...which means the key on the 7th SPU can be modified by firmware.
If that's true....Sony can change the key be used for decoding.......That makes cracking PS3 is really a hard work.
(That's what a Taiwanese hacker told me....)