gamefreak4ever said:
I finally got it to work. I registered on the website with my UK PSN alt e-mail and set the UK as my location. The code it gave me worked on the UK PSN store. Be prepared though as it's a 1.7 gig download.
Anyway, as somebody else stated, it's like a point and click type of game. You find something to interact with in the environment be it a character, object, ect and you do an action. It's not going to be for everybody, but as long as the story doesn't take any weird turns like it did half way through in Indigo Prophecy, I'm quite interested in giving Heavy Rain a playthrough.
The fight scene in the sleazy place seemed to drag on for a little while though. I played it on the normal difficulty and didn't miss any of the QTE's. I also hope that heavy QTE segments wont last as long as they do in Indigo Prophecy. I understand they want to keep your attention, but I also want to be able to watch what's going on without it feeling like it's going on forever (ex- Indigo Prophecy: the scene where Lucas's apartment breaks away or the fight scene between lucas and the hooded man....... ugh)