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Frankly, as some people have already said in here, review sites have been doing this for years. Since the PS2/XBOX/GC days as a matter of fact. I don't see why people only noticed this recently following such 'rediculous' reviews as GTAIV, Uncharted 2 and etc. You think a 9.3 for Uncharted 2 is unjust? What about all the 8.2 and 7.9 scores given to good Wii games since it came out? Or look back to the previous generation and see the reviewers were doing the same thing to the GameCube. And don't get me started on DS games getting compared to XBOX360 and PS3 games...

Yes, reviewers have bad bias and stupid expectations for what a 'good game' is suppose to be, but it seems the fans now adays also are only focusing on two systems as well (PS3 and XBOX360). And reviewers have picked up on that. Part of the reason reviews have gotten this bad is because no one speaks out against the reviewers and people keep going back to listen to their opinions.

In short, its like those reviewers of Hollywood fashion on TV. They have absolutely no connections to the industry and never even touch a dress in their life, yet they have millions of people who listen to them simply because they have a media venue and are semi-famous. These reviewers are the 'Fashion Police' of gaming. And I say you should ignore them, because all they're doing is standing in a small room on the side of the red carpet trying to come up with reasons why a dress sucks. And then praise the dress for the one person they already like.

Six upcoming games you should look into: