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huaxiong90 said:
CommonMan said:
huaxiong90 said:
CommonMan said:
Meh, doesn't bother me. I have a firm rule about letting anything on the internet get me too wound up. For the record, I love both of those games almost equally, and are probably my #1 and 2 favorite games this gen (ME2 and UC2 that is). Reviewers are still people and commenters at least on IGN are INSANELY obnoxious. It's their site, they can write what they want. The article was actually well written and had some good points, they just used a flamebait title. I think it's fun to watch fanboys get their panties in a bunch, go IGN!

You really promote flamebait?

Umm. . . maybe I shouldn't promote it, but I have a lot less problem with it that a lot of people do. I don't expect NYT level journalism on the internet (except I guess on ) Everything on the internet has an amaturish feel to it, so who cares? I mean, if I were expecting really thoughtful, well done commentary and I got flamebait, then I might be pissed. But looking at the IGN community a huge portion of it is pretty juvenile and eats this crap up. If it didn't get hits, they wouldn't do it. I think it's a worse reflection on gamers than anything, so I'm not going to jump down a websites throat for getting hits.

I understand, and I respect your opinion. I do really wish gamers wouldn't stoop to such low levels, but they're just common people, and their opinions hold little value compared to "professional" reviewers ("value" meaning how much of an impact it has on the gaming industry). For reviewers to make immature responses like this just isn't healthy for their image, if you ask me.


In all honesty, I just wish review scores would be dropped, and have the reviewer's words do the talking.

@Bolded - couldn't agree more, it's funny too because sometimes you see the score (say a 7.5) and think "Oh man, that stinks!" and then you read the review and they are marking it down because of things you LOVE (like turn-based rpg combat for me, IGN hates turn based combat), the score doesn't do anything for me in that case.