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Wyrdness said:
jarrod said:
Wyrdness said:
jarrod said:

I just had a thought... could Game Arts be the company contracted to co-develop The Last Story?  They've already worked closely with Nintendo before on Smash Brawl, they have tons of RPG experience with Lunar/Grandia, they make top notch gorgeous engines and they don;t seem to have any big projects lined up at the moments (just downloadables and another 2D Lunar remake)?  Thoughts?   Would it be a good match for Nintendo & Mistwalker's epic RPG?

The game is practically already done, Nintendo most likely developed it themselves under MW's direction, TLS has been in development for a while.

Which part of Nintendo then?  Honestly, it doesn't seem like anything the internal EAD/SPD groups would do... the way I can see this happening is if it's one of their subsidiaries or invested developers, like Monolith (who's busy with Xenoblade), Genius Sonority, Brownie Brown (busy working for L5/MMV), NdCube, etc.

Who knows which part it could be a team of selected individuals from various studios for all we know or all studios could of chipped in to help develop it, Nintendo are well capable of it the's no point looking at what they'd normally do because Nintendo have long stopped sticking to tradition, it would not surprise me if it was the internal EAD/SPD groups as each of these has several different large teams with in them.

Well, the broke protocol for Smash Brawl, but that was at Iwata's insistence.  He really moved heaven and earth to get that game made, and even publicly announced Sakurai's involvement before he'd spoken to him!

But really, I just don't know.  EAD's always had a sort of "anti-RPG" undertone to them, SPD/NSD/SDD are way too small, and most of the RPG associated teams Nintendo has their fingers seem too busy (Monolith) or too small (IntSys, B2B) to be on the game.  I remember people said similar thing about ASH (that Nintendo must be doing it) and we didn't find out until after release it was really Racjin.