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BenKenobi88 said:
dpmnymkrprez said:
mrstickball said: As you can see, I put the major notations for either sales spikes, or notable games. The only one not really on the list is Tiger Woods 07 and Sonic for the Wii, and a few Xbox 360 games (MLB 2k7, Def Jam Icon, ect).

The chart is with Wii Sports in the US. Taking Wii Sports out, would put the Wii down by around 1.5m units give or take. For comparison, the Xbox 360 sold 4,760,000 software units in a similar timeframe with major releases such as Dead or Alive 4, Fight Night Round 3, Oblivion and Ghost Recon AW. Obviously, the April data may or may not be suspect due to no NPD data to compare against.

Feel free to discuss. The reason I posted this is that some people are under the assumption that the Wii software owns the US, when it's obvious it doesn't. Taking out Wii Sports, the Wii has around 4.2m software units sold, with 800k being Wii Play - a budget title with a free remote. Taking that out, the Wii has 3.4m full-price software units sold, for a tier ratio of around 2.0. Although the software has been improving, it still has a long way to go to be able to match the 360.

Why even take Wii sports out of the equation????

I agree With Johnsobas huh? I think everyone knows 360 sells the most software right now, particularly in the US where they have a userbase of 6.04 million to wii's 2.64 million to ps3's 1.39 million.

And have this to say...I should hope to God that Microsoft has more software etc. CONSIDERING THEY LAUNCHED WHAT YEAR AGAIN????? 2 years ago?? oh wait a microsoft fan will correct me and say no IT has been out 1 year and 6 months!!!! lol

 Take it easy need to go crazy.

I did this as a joke, The bad thing is about reading posts and even text mesg on phones, sometimes people mistake things.thats why at the end I wrote   too bad we cant depict everything over tone of voice, so we can see if people are nbeing awnry or funny