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BladeOfGod said:
akuseru said:
Boutros said:
Rainbird said:
Oh snap. But look at it from the bright side Boutros, now you can move Heavy Rain up a place in your sig.

ahah yeah.

speaking of your sig, nice to see where you put GOW3 =p lolol

OT: I'll get WKC no matter what... only, I wish it had Japanese VO as an option. Still I think it looks awesome. Always have, always will. Kinda like when I first laid my eyes on the Demon's Souls trailers and such. I felt 'I need this game'. WKC is a game that sticks in my mind and I really want to play it! I have the Japanese version though, hehe..

Screw the reviewers btw. most reviewers these days are very unprofessional..

Final Fantasy XIII recived tons of medicore scores from japanese reviewers

One of us must be living in an alternative reality, because in my world FFXIII has got 39/40 from Famitsu, 85 metascore and amazing reception amongst japanese gamers who played it (naming it 2nd best game of 2009)