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thx1139 said:
binary solo said:
peachbuggy said:
CGI-Quality said:
peachbuggy said:
Then, if a large amount of FF fans already have purchased a PS3 then surely the HW bump won't be as noticeable?

It'll be a spike, perhaps 20-40,000. Nothing earth-shattering, like GT5's will be in Europe, or perhaps God of War III's in NA.

OK. That seems reasonable. So not a massive system seller, just a small system pusher really? I was only asking because iirc, the Source said there would be very few system sellers to come out for the rest of this gen. I think it was not long after the slim launch but i could be wrong!

The Source did say that the FF brand had blown it's HW selling load in Japan earlier in 2009 with that FFVII movie release with FFXIII demo. Well we know that was a tad off base. Of course FFXIII sales outside Japan are going to be nothing like the were in Japan. The Americas pre-order chart is showing decent but not spectacular numbers, and the HW boost will be in proportion to the SW. In Japan about 1% of FFXIII buyers also bought a PS3 on the same day, it's reasonable to expect the same to happen in the rest of the world. So, it all depends on how much software the FFXIII brand will push.

Overall I agree with the source, there really aren't any more games coming for the rest of the generation that will lead to a long term upward shift in the sales of a console. I reckon even GT5 will only push HW for a relatively short period (again people saying GT5P has brought in a large number of the GT punters already).

GoW III will spike HW by a decent amount as pretty much the last highly acclaimed IP to come over from PS2 to PS3 (GoW collection doesn't count because almost no one was going to buy a PS3 just to play a game they've already played, no matter how much tweeking it got). Unless Jak 4 comes along some time; I can live in hope. I reckon Jak 4 could serve to get some PS2 -> Wii  folks to get on board with PS3.

Only thing is GoW period has never been a huge seller just like its genre.  Then factor in that a lot of the people that like its genre and were PS fans have picked up a PS3 already. Finally factor in people that are fans of the beatem up genre may have picked up a PS3 for either of the Ninja Gaiden Sigmas, DMC4 or Bayonetta/. This all leads to not much of a bump with hardware.

Like I already said: Isn't that a very similar argument to the one the Source used to say FFXIII  wouldn't spike HW in Japan by much? People bought a PS3 FOR Bayonetta? Is that a serious argument? I think a decent spike would be 40-50K, I think GoW III can safely manage that.

None of the games you mention have come close to selling as much as GoW II (forget about GoW I), closest is DMC at about 65% of GoW II. But GoW fans are not one trick ponies so the current PS3 owning user base can't just be based on sales of those games, I'm in the GoW user base, I have a PS3, and I don't have any of those games. The fact that these same genre games have failed to get even close to GoW II sales levels could imply that some GoW fans went with the 360 for those games. After all, there are a lot of people who went from PS2 to 360, some of them will be GoW fans, and some of them will buy a PS3 for GoW III. There are a decent number of people who went from PS2 to Wii, some of them will be GoW fans and some of them will buy a PS3 for GoW III.

I'm not claiming it will be a system seller, it's not, but I'm confident it can spike the HW sales, possibly second only (in 2010 on PS3) to the HW push that GT5 will give. I can certainly see GoW III spiking hardware more than FF XIII.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

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Jimi Hendrix