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radiantshadow92 said:
vaio said:
radiantshadow92 said:
vaio said:
radiantshadow92 said:
vaio said:
radiantshadow92 said:
vaio said:
Carl2291 said:
vaio said:
Carl2291 said:
vaio said:
Carl2291 said:
Demotruk said:
Carl2291 said:
Great to see 3rd parties showing support to PS3 and 360 as well as Wii!

You're being as transparent as glass.

I have no idea at all what you are talking about. Honest.

being an ass about it just makes it even more transparent then it allready was.

If they can make it work on all consoles then good for them and they should defently go for it.

How was i being an ass?

It's nice to see developers giving the HD twins some attention.

being an ass taking jabs at wii like a troll

How did i take a jab at the Wii?

Is it so bad to support the HD consoles, and cheer when they gain new developers? In a thread about a multiplat game?

The hd consoles getting support is no problem and fine, but you know that you made that comment because wii doesnt get the support it deserves from 3rd parties and tried to rub it in with that comment, it was a trolling comment although in a suttle way. It´s no news hd twins get support from 3rd parties ergo that comment was to rub it in. You know it I know it and others know it since they called you on it first.

Just because the mods let you get away with it every time you do it doesnt make it less of a trolling comment.

i dont see how that is trolling, if he wants to say, hey more 3rd party for HD thats cool, then he should be able to say it without someone calling him an ass, i mean when NSMB got millions of sales people were saying hey look it got mad sales, its the same thing, except carl doesnt let it get to him like you do 

i dont let it get to me if i did i would be banned now, i am calling him on it since the mods let him get away with it. It´s not the first time he does this and not the last either and i wasnt the first to call him on it if that is not a clue for you then fine close you eyes and pretend its all dandy it wont bother me.

you obviously let it get to you, and if you really think he should be warned about contact a mod, its that simple, the mod will more than likely tell you that he doesnt deserve or warning or ban, idc how many times he done it, he does it in a mature manure and doesnt go YEAH IN UR FACE WII! maybe you should close ur eyes and ignore his posts that bother you >_>

maybe u should close your eyes and ignore my posts since they dont concern you at all at this point.

stop being so bitter because you console choices doesnt even come close to the wii and you guys keep on jumping on wii users so pathetic of you.

no one is jumping on wii users first off all, second of all i have wii....third of all, the only one who is bitter is you lol....just relax dude, no one is jumping you, i am simply letting you know that calling him an ass was out of line for what he said, i cant ignore a post like that, no one is attacking you or your console or its owners, stop making things up out of no where >_>

if he acts like one he deserves to be called one, simple as that. A person doesnt have to be bitter or anything else if he calls someone else on their bullshit.

yes they do have to be bitter, he doesnt deserve to be called n ass for saying its good to see third party support on all consoles, your being bitter about something and calling him an ass out of turn

thats not what i said and you completly missed my point, for the record i think its great that they went multiplatform that way they can make more money and have bigger budgets wich in turn will benefit even the wii since they are supporting it.

You completly missed my point and his stealt way of saying what he wanted to say.

Vaio - "Bury me at Milanello"      R.I.P AC Milan

In the 60's, people took acid to make the world weird.
Now the world is weird  and people take Prozac  to make it normal.

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