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Gamerace said:
TWRoO said:
Gamerace said:

As cool as it would be, it'd make some little girl cry, so sadly, we'll never get to feed Orca's anything other than fishfood and fish.  But damn wouldn't that be a sight to behold, panicked seals darting to and fro and a huge Orca giving chase right up onto the beach.  Or your dolphin pals fighting off a Great White (or your orca killing/eating it - happens) or a Sperm Whale fighting a giant squid or your river dolphin bravely giving his life to the pirranhas as you escape... never mind, that'd make me cry.    Lots of potential for EO2 or even 3 though


Okay, where's the damn spoiler warning on that eh?!  Now you ruined the whole game for me!!



And how do I trigger that event?


Bit difficult to spoiler thta kind of thing anyway really, I mean I was quoting your post, and highlighting a specific part because I had seen an image of exactly that (took me a while to find it again though, and it's in a Flash component so I had to print screen it and upload it here) Best I could have done is link to the image but I would still have been highlighting your text so you'd know exactly what it was.

And I have no idea as I haven't played it yet
I got it from here: