Cheebee said:
Gamerace said:
TWRoO said:
Gamerace said:
Canadian thank you. I don't think a spoiler warning is needed unless there's some surprises in the game. Didn't you get the orca for a diving buddy after the first time?
Apologies. (I generally use Americans to mean people from America though... but I was at a party with a number of US and Canadian students at Halloween, and while talking about accents it was mentioned that it's always best to ask "are you Canadian" as people from the US don't mind it)
And I suppose not, there migt be some cool creatures to take pics of but it's easy enough to link to them instead of posting them in the thread.
And no... you can't use any of the porpoise and such as a buddy until you have 2/3 of the information about them... which you can't get on 1 visit.
Could've shown I got some after the 1st encounter. Damn. I really want an Orca buddy. Hope I don't have as much trouble as you did getting them again. Of course, I also want to take my orca to the secret lake and feed him some californian seals but that isn't going to happen either.
XD That actually made me lol pretty hard. Would be an... interesting addition to the game, hehe.
On a side note, I love Douglas Adams' books.
As cool as it would be, it'd make some little girl cry, so sadly, we'll never get to feed Orca's anything other than fishfood and fish. But damn wouldn't that be a sight to behold, panicked seals darting to and fro and a huge Orca giving chase right up onto the beach. Or your dolphin pals fighting off a Great White (or your orca killing/eating it - happens) or a Sperm Whale fighting a giant squid or your river dolphin bravely giving his life to the pirranhas as you escape... never mind, that'd make me cry. Lots of potential for EO2 or even 3 though